
Hello, there. I’m Becky, a physician assistant by day and style blogger by night, sometimes vice versa. I currently reside in Charlotte, NC with my wonderful husband who is sometimes the creative man behind the lens.

Fashion + style have always meant more to me than simply getting dressed in the morning. In lieu of being able to draw, paint, or sew, style is my creative expression of choice. A lot of “where did you get that?” and “can I borrow that?” ultimately led to the creation of, The Pumpkin Spot in 2011. Here you will find a healthy mix of my favorite products, style inspiration, and outfit creations.

My personal style is easy and uncomplicated. In my mind, nothing beats a perfect tee shirt with boyfriend jeans and the right accessories. Maxi dresses are my summer uniform and you will never have to twist my arm to dig through a good sale rack. I hope you enjoy this space as much as I enjoy creating it and find a little inspiration here to take with you.

Random facts:
I am a cat-lover who drinks way too much coffee.
I will lie and tell you that I know every state capitol. I do not.
I typically do well in stressful situations except when shoes are sold out in my size.
Fall is my favorite season and you will find me rooting for the Philadelphia Eagles every Sunday.
Even if it kills me.
I am a firm believer that having a good sense of humor will get you through just about anything in life.